Publishing 2025
(final edits in the works); sorry, not in SAMPLE downloads
It's 1688 AD, in the midst of the British "Glorious Revolution" and a Dutch invasion to take the throne, as wealthy widow Rebecca DuMaurier, an African British royal court favorite of King Charles II, runs from a forced marriage with a famous general, a white-haired English earl, and into a infamous pirate troubling and walking the shores of her Cornish home.
Cornwall's rocky, treacherous coast is but a stepping stone for lively Becca, her tenacious soldier fiancé, and her intriguing, brown-skinned, Irish Catholic pirate of many faces.
African British Historical Romantic Adventure Fiction
No. I am no such a Fool.
Rebecca, Marchioness of Cornwall, Countess of Montdelon and Darlington and Hart, Baroness of Montdelon, Tintagel and Penzance tightened a fist until her knuckles cracked, whilst squelching her blossoming feelings with utter ruthlessness. She knew only what he’d told her, and what she felt and could see with her own earthen brown eyes. Plus, despite her Determination, it was possible she might be blinded by him.
Making this entire matter perilous.
“My … betrothal is none of your affair. And really, sir, why would I care what a vile Popish pirate sees or says to me, or of me!”
Good for her, she had said it with just the right biting tone of light scorn and careless indifference. She had a bloody gift for it; but, he did not obviously react, as he blinked and seemed not to have noticed her performance; making her pull a slight face at the absurd outrageousness of the situation.
Remember, you do not care and are far above him, Lady DuMaurier!
Aidan, however, was giving her question full and intentional thought, whilst moving an out of place curl of her dark hair. She flinched; but something in her eyes or her demeanor made his head tilt and better assess her wariness, before he proceeded fingering the soft resistant curl with some diffidence.
It was most impertinent of him and unlike her to allow a man not her equal…!
Yes, his behavior was most impudent, and she was allowing it! Although, Her Ladyship would not have been certain why, if asked. She allowed his touch, for now, upon her hair alone, for now, as he answered in perfect High English, with only a delicious trace of his green tones softly warming his tongue.
Is this his true voice? she wondered, as she remained still.
“ ‘Care’? Yes, my Lady Rebecca DuMaurier, Marchioness of Cornwall, Countess of more titles, you should care. A pirate is a man pressed for time, a rogue who sees clearly what others are too self-conscious to admit to viewing; he seizes what servants must carefully tend, yet fear to take. And, he says with bold, impudent Truth that although a certain woman’s nose is a bit crooked, there is something about her that … stops his heart.”
“My nose is NOT ‘crooked’!”
She slapped his hand away and he obviously liked the reaction he received.
“Oh, I did not mean you,” he stated very casually, clearly an intentional verbal slap to her vanity, before he added another rude volley. “Besides, in full truth, you do not stop my heart.”
Becca rolled her eyes, and cast her nose upward, like the haughty, snotty, and vapid Courtiers she disdained most, and had always sworn she would never be like nor become. Do watch your Wishes. The Lady neither cared nor noticed this, for she was thoroughly peeved with this dark rascal.
And then he said it; with candor, without any seeming artifice.
“Your nose is perfect. It is I who is fighting to dampen a fire I cannot afford, for nothing can come of it; for you make my perished heart pound hard, like a war drum, my Lady Cornwall.”
A “war drum”, indeed. Aidan’s statement made Becca’s heart pound in answer, her mind utterly confounded, and her stomach topsy-turvy; plus, she apparently was a bit breathless and prickly hot in the most inopportune places!
Damnable bloody man. I’m neither looking for a lover; I’m running from one I already don’t know what to do with! Please, Lord God, stop your rain!
She abruptly arose; following the little draft from a cracked window, to look out at the bay beyond, just through the trees, in an attempt to control or lose these wildly errant thoughts, and more wildly errant feelings, in the driving rain pelting against their refuge; drenching the panes, as the tiny bit of breeze refreshed her, whilst she hefted her dark hair off her neck.
“A tiny breeze, like a sweet kiss upon the neck,” he most definitely stated, too close to her. She dropped half of her hair, before freezing in place with his warm presence so near. He inhaled! “Mm, fresh rain mixed with sea air … and you,” he murmured behind her; making her pulse throb harder. “I’d thought there not a finer scent or rain and sea, until….”
He fell silent, once more, touching another tightly curling strand of her hair, once more, making her hold her breath, whilst watching his reflection; half wondering why she was still allowing it. He was fully distracted with her hair, bewitched even, as he lifted the tendril to his nostrils. He was breathing in the scent of it, of her, whilst his gaze roamed along the length of her exposed neck!
Which felt … utterly intimate.
Becca dropped the rest of her lush hair and turned to glare at him. He recoiled, just a bit stunned, as if surprised to realize what he’d been doing and saying; things that were far too intimate for two strangers. Or too revealing of himself.
Her breaths came fast and short, as did his.
Did I cinch my blasted stays more tightly than I’d thought. If so, his bodice must be too bloody tight, as well!
“Bloody”, indeed. Oddly timed as it was, she suddenly recalled her parents hating it when she cursed at all, as she’d learned at Court, “like a common, low soldier straight from the front lines of war, not a good woman, certainly not a lady!” However, her fairly regular foul language had amused Uncle Charles. Even his Queen had taken a “perverse interest” in Becca’s “inappropriate and creative musings.”
And, of course, Marcus….
Oh, Marc…. Blast it all! I cannot breathe properly, just now. How can this man … affect me so. He means nothing to me! Can never mean….
And yet, he somehow … lures me.
What am I … doing, Marc! Help me not fall from the Grace of your Love.
She could not sense him! Marc was leaving her to her own decisions! Blast that.
What was this pirate seeing, imagining, as he observed her so? A woman ran into variations of that look in the long hallways, lush ballrooms, and gardens of every castle or palace she’d ever traversed. Or upon the fetid, crowded streets of London, Paris, or wherever. Men thinking and feeling whatever each man does, in brief passing, or when half alone with her; whether dangerous and ruinous male thoughts, or tantalizing feelings to corrupt a woman’s very being; which was even more ruinous.
_continues in the novel "Becca DuMaurier"
Becca, Bride Again
Little Tintagel, Cornwall
Jon Eccleston, the Earl of Eske in West Yorkshire as his mother’s son and now also the Earl of Hampshire, since his father’s recent death, exhaled in long-awaited relief and contentment, whilst watching his Lady Eske and Hampshire glowing in her brilliant wedding gown of varying gold silks moving confidently in lovely gentle grace amongst their honored witnesses and guests, whether commoner or noble, and most, if not all, were exhausting themselves to see every little thing, to recall every little thing, in order to forever gossip about all of it later, “when we return to Westminster and civilization.”
Finally! Becca actually was his lady, now—To where else could she run? The land ends at the sea-drenched shore within hearing distance and she cannot run upon that water.—he chuckled in thought.
He couldn’t wait to see and feel her hair undone in his hands. Her hair never felt like thin strings, when he’d “accidentally” or pretended to find a leaf amongst her tresses, which had texture and depth, like its mistress. Mistress Chiswick could make such surprising and lovely ... sculptures her hair, wigs, and extensions.
The former Mistress Rebecca DeLann will soon be his Duchess of Hampshire, as well, when his title’s restoration was finalized and confirmed by King William and Parliament.
The evening was delightful, even when Dini had slipped away from Lady Frances and cornered Jon with talk that he’d “not need a mistress now”, as if campaigning for that position beneath him right here at his wedding.
Lord Crisp had eyed Becca and she him; both amused about Dini’s wasted foolishness, as Becca, smiling, gently rescued Jon off to the dance floor, with a nod to the band’s conductor in the gallery above. Crispy had taken his own bride firmly in hand to the floor, as well, and they had shared a moment acknowledging her relentless flirting with Jon Eccleston, as Lord Peter Crisp made certain his wife felt the possessiveness in his touch at her waist, and in his eyes. Dini blushed with pleasure.
Jon had obviously enjoyed that; the rescue not the cornering by yet another Court Lady or Maid Servant; he enjoyed dancing with His Bride, as he whispered to her, whilst inhaling the scent of her and her hair, “Every woman is a queen to her husband, or she has the wrong man.”
Becca laughed in relaxed ease and he was so pleased to feel her in his arms and the pleasure radiate off her and into him. She was a bloody damn star in his arms; a sun around all of them revolved.
This event had been years in the making—in his head—and now it was finally accomplished: their sacred vows spoken in the sacred chapel at DuMaurier’s Daphnis House at Montdelon and their inked signatures now dried upon their witnessed Marriage Contract. Only their Marital Consummation lay ahead to enjoy and complete, sealing all things; and then Lady Rebecca Eccleston would be his entirely, fully claimed, forever.
_continues in the novel "Becca DuMaurier"
Captain’s Cabin, The Hawk
Celtic Sea
Nobles, gentry, and servants would have woken with champagne headaches to Jon and his vocal hunting hounds searching. And worse; all would now assume she was alone without a female companion or male guard, let alone undressed with an outlaw and enemy of the British Crown and the Church of England!
Instead of the Beloved Wife of a wealthy, popular Duke she’d chosen to be an infamous Pirate’s Whore. No. There could be no going back from this.
Although, in truth, at this point none of them, not even Jon, had seen her on the ship. Footsteps in the sand only implied….
You have burned a friend to the ground; an excellent friend.
Jon will certainly never forgive “his” Becca. She’d finally outrun herself, she realized, lying in a pirate’s bunk far from anyone who knew her, in the long term. She was out to sea, with a half-known man’s hand upon her—intimately.
I don’t know this man!
If her hair had not been so bunched with sweat from her sickness, it would have stood on end, as a panic overtook her; until…
“Mayhap I can help? I … I used to wash my wife’s hair. May I wash yours, then?”
Becca’s dark eyes flew wide. She had heard many a scurrilous thing between and about men and women at Court or in the streets of London; quite bawdy utterings of seductions, rapes, and murders, and yet she’d never blushed much about any of it; however, now she couldn’t answer, as his offer seemed a more intimate offer than his former help in removing her stays, or his caring for her in such gross sickness, or her lying in his bed, scented with him, in only her thin shift, sans stays, petticoats, and proper gown.
Nevertheless, the Captain took charge without her assent and sat her in his chair and gently laid her head back to tend her hair.
Ah! This may be the most sinful thing a man’s ever done to me!
Nearly. She could half imagine Marcus sitting on the aft port window seat, book in hand shaking his dark head at her thoughts. Aidan gently poured a little water from a pewter mug through her hair, the residue dripping into a receiving bucket, before he opened a drawer beneath the bed, erm, bunk then gently, firmly, massaged a pleasant scented mild soap into her hair—.
Where did he get that! Doesn’t smell very masculine. If he has another wom—! Ooohm. Ahh. That feels sooo good! Stop smirking, Marc! You shouldn’t be seeing this! she chided her spiritual spouse, who faded from her mind’s vision, as Aidan commented.
“Such dark, soft, and thick, resilient spirals of curls; so….” Like? Unlike? He never finished his distracted thought aloud.
He’s thinking of his wife, I’d bet upon it. I wonder what color her hair, how straight, how wavy, how—?
“Your hair, lass, is more curly washed than it was after the rain in your cabin. Lovely weight and, well, just lovely and good to touch it is. Soft and … alive…. Reminds me of … my mother’s.”
His ‘mother’s’? I am not playing this seduction game at all correctly.
I mean, really, DeLann, what woman you know allows her possible man, or any man, including her husband to see her with her hair balled up and looking quite disordered like that of a theatrical maniac’s?
How do I get myself into these odd situations. His ‘mother’! Ohhh. He’s massaging….
“Mmm. Thank you for the compliment, sir. And thank you for this, I might just become the first lady in Britain to hire a man as my hairdresser. Od’s! Every British Courtier will think me decadently French-like. Plus assume you’re either a man-lover, or my lover.” She chuckled. “Hah, probably both!”
Eventually, the Master and Commander of The Hawk ran out of distractive work to do, or rather decided he was no longer good for doing anymore of it, as their gazes met. Only then did the Courtier realize that neither of them had spoken a word to the other in quite sometime. Words hadn’t been needed.
“You’re not braiding it? It’s a little magical. May I…?” he queried her. His hand reaching yet being restrained from touching her without permission.
“Like this.” She then watched him closely as he watched her deft fingers caress and twirl down the length of her dark hair, and finished. She proffered the next tress to him, moistening his fingers with a dab of the hair oil he’d gifted her.
He apparently held his breath as he twirled, then was peeved, as he blew out a breath.
“Wrong way. Mine should swirl the same direction as yours.”
She said nothing, only watched him concentrate and improve, as he gently tugged and twirled and began smiling at the results.
“So soft. So springy and more full of life than braids.”
She divided and allowed him to finish, although she untwirled and redid the final one; his version made it fall down her face, she twisted again and back from but framing her face. He touched it. Held her head framed in his hands and was leaning towards her—.
_continues in the novel "Becca DuMaurier"
A brown-skinned girl of African English descent and common birth amongst the landed middle class has been raised to the nobility ranks of Britain by personality, good heart, and wit. And the love of a young noble and their King.
Now a titled noblewoman with the highest connections and wealth, Becca is more than a petulant runaway bride, because the powerful men and women interwoven through her life are changing Great Britain into a modern power.
Plus, who’s to say a Lady cannot be dangerous?
A well-loved general and high peer of Britain, who has lost his only heir and has watched Becca grow to maturity, without realizing his true feelings for her.
He is awake now to his feelings about his friend Marcus' wife; and Lord Jon has waited long enough and has the reach and the will to have her captured and returned to his side and bed no matter how far she runs, whether on land or sea.
A notorious Irish Catholic pirate with conflicting reports about his skin's color and even his gender. Gentleman pirate Aidan O'Rourke is in personal revolt and revenge against all that is Great Britain has taken from him.
But, an unexpected British gift comes to him in the shape of lively, irresistible Becca.
But, can he claim and keep hold of her?
A young nobleman and only male heir to his family's highest title, fortune, and hopes. In a family doomed with short-lived males, his stubborn choice for love is a brown-skinned, vivacious commoner, Becca.
As a child, Lord Marcus will introduce little Mistress Becca as his future bride to their king, Charles II; changing the lives and fortunes of many.
The legendary "Merry Monarch" of Britain's Restoration of the King to the Throne is best known for his numerous mistresses and royal bastards than for ushering all English-speaking people into modern concerns and failures, like: news tabloids, shopping malls, women actresses, industrialized African slavery, and more.
Oh, and present Brit Royals are his bastards' descendants. How's that for relevance.
BECCA DuMAURIER is the expanded and much extended full novel built from:
BECCA, a swashbuckling pirate story, as short story chapters* formerly online at* [now offline / defunct]!* Chapter 1: Becca in the Woods
* Chapter 2: Becca Escapes to Sea
* Chapter 3: Becca Gets Her Sea Legs
* Chapter 4: Becca's Faux Honeymoon
* Chapter 5: Becca Comes Ashore
* Chapter 6: Becca Outlaw's Sea Battle
* more "Becca DuMaurier" and
An extended book trailer / film short of two chapters of the following novel. Film was done as a film class thesis project. Submitted to Cleveland Film Festival.
"BECCA GETS HER SEA LEGS" [13:55"] from the expanded original short stories of Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of:
BECCA, a swashbuckling pirate story* formerly online at* [now offline / defunct]!
* Chapter 2: Becca Escapes to Sea
* Chapter 3: Becca Gets Her Sea Legs
* more "Becca DuMaurier" and
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